The worries with visas and costs of living in Brazil are always amongst the main doubts of those who think about moving in to the country.

To understand how visas work and the cost of living in Brazil, it’s necessary to study the peculiarities of each case. The coming and staying of a foreigner must be analyzed in order to follow the law correctly, determine the correct type of visa for each situation, and go through the process of the visa application, by identification and personal documentation of the foreigner.

This will depend on the reason for the staying and how long you wish to reside in within the country’s territory. In this article, we’ll understand better the types of visas and costs of living in Brazil, as well as where they’re issued. Let’s find out!

What are the visas and costs of living in Brazil?

In fact, visas and costs of living in Brazil can vary greatly depending on the situation. Brazil adopts a visa granting policy based on the principle of reciprocity, which means that foreigners from countries that require visas from Brazilian citizens to enter their territories will also need a visa to travel to Brazil – just as those from countries that don’t require visas from Brazilians also won’t need one to enter national territory.

However, when there is this release, it is important to point out that the authorization to enter and stay in Brazil is only valid for a fixed period of time, usually 90 days. This visit can be for tourism, study or volunteer work, with the prohibition of performing paid work during this period: in order for a foreigner to be paid for his work in Brazil, it’s necessary to receive a work visa.

In order to stay longer than 90 days, it’s necessary to get a visa specific to the situation. In this sense, visas are separated into two types: the temporary residence visa and the permanent visa. We’ll better understand the difference between them below.


Who grants visas?

Another important point for those who are researching visas and costs of living in Brazil is to know that visas will never be issued in Brazil. According to article 7 of Law 13,445, or Migration Law, visas will be granted by embassies, consulates-general, consulates, vice-consulates and, when qualified by the competent body of the Executive Branch, by commercial and representative offices of Brazil abroad. The only exceptions to the rule are diplomatic, official and courtesy visas, which can exceptionally be granted in Brazil.

How to get a visa to live in Brazil?

There are several ways to get a permanent visa, which leaves a foreigner in a legal situation to live in the country. We’ll now look at the differences between the temporary residence visa and the permanent visa:

Temporary Resident Visa

It’s intended for foreigners who intend to stay for a fixed period of time in the country, such as students or temporary contract workers. It has a two-year term and can be extended once. According to the legislation, it can be granted to those who meet any of the following conditions:

I – research, teaching or academic extension;

II – health treatment;

III – humanitarian shelter;

IV – in a student condition;

V – for paid work;

VI – Working Holiday Visa – on a trip to spend vacation and work. The visa is granted, by reciprocity, based on bilateral agreements. At the moment, there are agreements in effect with New Zealand, France and Germany;

VII – as a minister of religious confession or as a member of a consecrated life institute, congregation or religious order;

VIII – for voluntary service;

IX – for investors;

X – for activities of economic, scientific, technological or cultural relevance;

XI – for family reunion;

XII – for artistic and sporting activities;

XIII – temporary visas resulting from international agreements;

XIV – temporary visas resulting from Brazilian migratory policy;

XV – VICAM – Temporary Medical Improvement Visa

Permanent Visa

The permanent visa, in turn, is only granted in specific cases, for foreigners who fit into one of the following conditions:

I – Brazilian offspring: having a child in Brazil entitles the parents to live in national territory;

II – Stable Union/Marriage: foreigners who marry or prove stable union with a Brazilian are entitled to a permanent visa with no minimum time period after the union is official, as well as the partner of a Brazilian or permanent foreigner, without distinction of sex;

III – Mercosur Agreement: Signatory States of the Mercosur Residence Agreement (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) can establish temporary residence in Brazil, and the temporary residence can, if the requirements foreseen in the referred decree are met, be transformed into residence for an undetermined period of time after 2 years;

IV – Teacher, high level researcher or scientist: holder of a temporary visa as a foreign professor, technician or high level researcher or scientist can apply for a permanent visa;

V – Managers who will represent an entity, as well as director, manager or administrator of a non-profit private legal entity;

VI – Investors: permanent visa granted to those who come with the purpose of investing their own resources from abroad in productive activities, conditioned to proof of investment, in foreign currency, in an amount equal to or above US$ 50,000, or a project that generates at least ten new jobs for Brazilian labor.

VII – Victim of human trafficking;

VIII – Foreigner who lost the permanent status due to absence from the country for more than two years;

IX – Refugee or asylee.

In addition, foreigners who entered the country with a tourist visa and wish to settle in Brazil can regularize their situation to remain in the country, by applying for a permanent visa, which has an immigration purpose and is intended for those who intend to settle permanently in Brazil. The visa, however, will not be granted in Brazil, as explained above, but by the competent Brazilian consular representation in the country of origin of the person who intends to settle in Brazil

As for the costs, the issuing of the visa also requires the payment of a fee, which will vary according to the type of visa requested and how long the foreigner intends to stay in the country.



What’s the difference between a residence visa and naturalization?

Although they may be quite similar, there are differences between a foreigner with a permanent visa and a naturalized Brazilian. A foreigner with a permanent visa has the same rights as Brazilians, such as access to health and education services in Brazil. He can also open a company, a bank account, get a driver’s license, among others. However, he cannot vote, or be elected to political positions – rights guaranteed only to naturalized or native Brazilians.

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