If you’re looking for tax and fiscal consulting, you’ll find it at CLM Controller’s website. Request quotes from our professionals and discover the best reference in market quality.


Tax and fiscal consulting is ideal for maintaining a company’s accounting control to understand and manage financial expenses. This type of control is important as it deals with obligations imposed by regulatory bodies and the state, allowing the business to maintain the legality of its activities.

Tax and fiscal consulting also offers other benefits. Besides maintaining financial control, it aids in reducing expenses. Through market studies and analysis of ongoing activities, it’s possible to identify often unnecessary expenditures, whether in the payment of taxes at the wrong time or in hiring a service of little importance to the activity.

Utilizing tax and fiscal consulting also provides time savings to think about and seize new opportunities. Outsourcing tax and fiscal services allows the company to engage in new projects, such as employee training actions and growth-oriented projects.

Therefore, it is important that this type of service is provided by a quality company, renowned and with a tradition in the market. After all, tax and fiscal consulting will work with privileged information about the company, as only in this way can it provide periodic reports on the financial situation of the company and present suggestions for improvements.


CLM Controller is the best option for those seeking tax and fiscal consulting. With 36 years of history, it operates with a specialized and trained team, ensuring the quality of its services and meeting all the needs of each contracting company. CLM Controller assigns each client an account manager.

The company operates throughout the state of São Paulo and specializes in consulting and advisory services. The service can be hired by companies of any nature. CLM Controller also offers specialized services for the IT, communication and marketing, and import sectors. Each service is personalized to meet the demands of each client.

Services offered by the company include:

  • Accounting
  • Payroll
  • Company incorporation
  • Financial outsourcing
  • Tax planning

Through the website, it is possible to check all services and schedule a visit. The company is ISO 9001 certified, which guarantees the quality of its processes and commitment to client company satisfaction.

If you need to rely on an experienced accounting firm capable of providing the best strategies for your company to improve financial performance, contact us. We would be delighted to serve your company!

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