If you are looking for accounting for service providers, you can find it on the CLM Controller website, quote products with our professionals, and discover the best reference in quality on the market.


When it comes to accounting for service providers, the real need for such a service offered by an accounting firm is often questioned.

And the answer is “yes,” considering the Brazilian Civil Code, which states that every company must follow an accounting system and present its Balance Sheet annually. The same rule applies to service providers.

Accounting for service providers should be the first step when opening a company, considering the help of a professional accountant. All bureaucracy and waiting time for the company to start operating are significantly simplified and reduced.

In this scenario, the accounting for service providers from CLM Controller, an accounting firm that has been in the market since 1982, accompanies the entrepreneur throughout the planning phase, ensuring that no financial resource is invested amateurishly or wasted.

The best part is that the work of accounting for service providers does not just limit to the process preceding the opening but extends to the entire business operation. The limit is set by the entrepreneur.


It is not uncommon for service providers to operate informally or as self-employed professionals. There are also those who were previously working as Individuals, unaware of the advantages of being registered as Legal Entities and having efficient accounting services by their side.

There are some tax regimes that need to be applied with the service of accounting for service providers:

  • Simples Nacional (Simple National);
  • Lucro Real (Real Profit);
  • Lucro Presumido (Presumed Profit).

The importance of accounting for service providers lies in reducing unnecessary expenditures on taxes and ensuring that this money can be directed towards other priorities.

Practically, access to relevant information that allows providing efficient accounting services for service providers, not only in accounting but also in tax, social security, and labor aspects, helps improve the company’s health, especially financially.

With this service, CLM Controller will determine the tax bracket in which it fits, that is, it will define whether the regime will be simple, real profit, or presumed profit, making its clients, service providers, achieve high levels of financial productivity.

Some of the services offered by CLM Controller are:

  • Accounting;
  • Payroll;
  • Company incorporation;
  • Financial outsourcing;
  • Tax planning;

If you need to rely on experienced accounting advisory capable of providing the best strategies for your company to improve financial performance, contact us. We will be delighted to serve your company!

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