In less than two decades, society has witnessed numerous technological innovations. Companies that once needed a broad range of employees to perform administrative services have now transitioned to integrated management systems. These systems allow them to control their main business activities virtually in real-time, with fewer employees. This phenomenon has also occurred in the accounting sector, leading to changes in the internal processes of accounting firms. It is accurate to say that in some activities, humans have been replaced by machines and computerized systems. However, these changes are responsible for increasing work productivity and shifting people to more dynamic activities that require creativity and decision-making skills, without the concern for the repetitive tasks of daily life.

Technological Effects in the Accounting Area

Nowadays, companies need increasingly immediate information. The digital era thrives on data, and to make more accurate decisions, managers must be supported by reliable indicators.

It is routine for an accountant to supply their client with the necessary data to manage their assets optimally, delivering the expected value in a timely manner. In this scenario, technology can be a differentiator for an office to stand out in the market.

Accounting works with documents—such as financial statements—that are generated from accounting processes, inputting information from transactions made. With the introduction of new technologies, these processes can be automated, changing the way we think about accounting.

In terms of accounting work specialized in IT companies, it can play a fundamental role in the management process of the office, as well as in accounting activities. In this regard, it is emphasized that IT facilitates the knowledge management process of the people involved in the organization, facilitates internal and external communication, and provides resources to improve knowledge, either through better work practices or through discussions that disseminate knowledge.

For this reason, we have developed this article to show how some tools have helped manage accounting and optimize the time of managers and teams.

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Fiscal Collection

The routine of fiscal collection is a task that requires attention. The country has a complex tax regime where legislation can change at any moment. This requires the accounting professional to stay constantly updated.

In this way, it becomes difficult to keep up to date with tax matters where the search for specific software tools is necessary. These tools will always be updated and contribute to the reduction of fiscal errors.

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Previously, accessing the information of an accounting office involved physical barriers, such as doors or a filing cabinet. With the implementation of software solutions, all important documents will be protected by a series of virtual barriers, such as firewalls, encryption, and access passwords.

This type of security is responsible for fostering a greater sense of protection and credibility in your client about the importance your office places on the information under its responsibility.

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The service of the accounting office was one of the areas that benefited the most from new technologies. The ease of communication and relationship that the digital revolution brought is directly responsible for this evolution in service.

Clients who need the services of an accountant today can often find them on their smartphone screen, without the need to travel to an office, and even pay for services with a card, directly from wherever they are.

This simple and practical relationship is a driver for attracting more clients, who are looking for comfort when addressing their demands and value the convenience of their transactions, since communication between the accountant and client can even be done via messaging apps, like WhatsApp.


With the use of technological tools, bureaucracy will be largely reduced, after all, the path for exchanging information will be facilitated via software.

It is possible to communicate directly with your clients in a simple and intuitive manner by offering a digital platform through which information, documents, spreadsheets, and other materials can be transmitted online.

This eliminates a lot of bureaucracy and transforms your routine, avoiding time lost in commuting.

Virtual Storage

The traditional image of an accounting office piled with paper on all sides is also numbered. An increasing number of companies are turning to document digitalization as a more efficient way to store their clients’ accounting information.

Thus, in addition to reducing the need for physical space with large files, turning to cloud storage resources means that your company can access documents from anywhere. This significantly speeds up consultations and processes, making interaction with clients faster. Not to mention the paper savings and the benefits this brings to nature.

Continuous Update

The issue is that it is difficult to keep up with each update without a good accounting management system, and this is the great advantage of technology: as the transmission of various accessory obligations has become electronic, updates regarding tax rates, new legislation, taxes, and other obligations are made periodically.

The truth is that technology is one of the pillars for maintaining the financial health and legality of the company in front of regulatory bodies, making the entire accounting process of the company more dynamic, transparent, and trustworthy.

The real value of the changes brought about by the insertion of technology in accounting is due to two elements: productivity and efficiency in management.

The digital evolution allows processes to be carried out more simply and quickly, contributing to the increase in productivity of the office as a whole and enhancing the number of clients with whom the accountant can work at the same time.

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