» Taxes

Fiscal Complexity in Brazil

A complexidade fiscal é um fenômeno presente em diversos países, e o Brasil não é [...]

How the Fiscal Administrative Process Works in Brazil

The fiscal administrative process is a set of procedures defined by a country’s legislation to [...]

Tax Complexity in Brazilian Export and Import Operations

Understand the challenges faced by Brazilian companies when dealing with the complex tax legislation in [...]

Taxation for Importers: Strategies and Planning

Explore key strategies for effective tax planning for import companies. Learn how to navigate Brazil's [...]

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IRS Monitoring Simples Nacional Companies in Brazil

The Brazilian tax authority, Receita Federal, has increased its scrutiny of companies registered under the [...]

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COFINS-Importação rate increased by 1% on products

Starting in 2024, certain imported products will be subject to a 1% increase in the [...]

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How Income Tax Refunds Work in Brazil

For many Brazilians, the annual income tax filing is followed by the anticipation of receiving [...]

What is ICMS? Understanding Brazil’s Tax on Goods and Services

In Brazil, one of the most significant taxes businesses and consumers encounter is the ICMS, [...]

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Which Tax Regime Is Best for an IT Company?

Is my IT company better off in the Presumed Profit regime, National Simple regime, or [...]

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How to Start a Foreign Trade Business in Brazil

It’s no surprise that the world is experiencing a significant globalization of the economy. In [...]

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